Legitimate Online Paid Surveys - How to Get Paid for Filling Them Out

The basis for legitimate online paid surveys is what happened when survey makers discovered the speed and low cost of the Internet. Suddenly they were able to send out a survey questionnaire early in the morning and get significant response back before the day was over. And this without having to print questionnaires and instructions or buy stamps and envelopes!
Suddenly there was a tool available that was both faster and cheaper than anything they had before. The only problem was that they needed a large selection of potential survey takers, encompassing all of the major demographics of location, education, occupation, gender and age.
To get the start-up data, they needed for people to apply to be online survey takers and in so doing, give them all the necessary info.

The solution was simple: Pay the survey takers for each survey taken. Once it was clear that survey takers were going to be paid, it became possible to recruit volunteers in large numbers. Today there are thousands of surveys going out every week, and thousands of survey takers receiving checks for their participation.

So how does one participate in legitimate online paid surveys? (Legitimate, real surveys as opposed to the sham surveys made by sales groups with the objective of selling things to the survey takers!)

Here is how you can participate:
1. Pick a good paid survey guide company to join to guide you through the survey minefield. A good company will be sizeable, of good reputation and will be growing. It will have a strong 60-90 day guarantee backed up by a financial institution or bank. Most importantly, it will have a low refund rate under that guarantee.
High refund rates mean many unhappy clients. Low refund rates mean happy clients. Look for refund rates of 3% to 5% (ideal). Avoid any with refund rates over 10% (red flag).

2. Follow the instructions of your guide company, apply to all the survey makers that are recommended. This is a critical point.
In order to get paid for legitimate online paid surveys, you must be invited by the survey-makers. For them to invite you, they must have your name and information in their data banks. This they get from the application you filed with them. No applications mean no invitations. No invitations to take legitimate online paid surveys means no surveys to take, which would mean no money coming to you.

3. Set up a special email address for this activity, check your inbox daily, answer all correspondence. Accept all invitations to take surveys at first to get the flow started. Later, when many are coming in, you can ignore the low-paying ones if you wish.
Summary: Yes, there are legitimate online paid surveys made by legitimate survey makers for big company clients. You can make money from these by following the right procedure of getting a good guide company and applying to the legitimate survey makers. By applying yourself to this activity you can make good money and be well compensated for the time involved.